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Ancient Greek physicians used two different species of mint but some experts doubt that either was what we know as peppermint today. There is however, evidence that the Egyptians cultivated M. piperita and dried leaves were discovered in several pyramids. It’s also mentioned in thirteenth century Icelandic Pharmacopoeias. It wasn’t until the middle of the 18th century that peppermint was cultivated for its medicinal properties in Western Europe and England.


Botanical Name : Mentha x piperita

Family : Lamiaceae

Country of Origin  :  USA 

Extraction Method  : Steam Distilled

Plant Part Used  : Leaves 

Note  : Top

Aroma : Fresh , Clean , Herbal , Menthy , Strong

Color : Clear to Pale yellow

Blends well With :  Basil, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Marjoram, Niaouli, Pine, Rosemary, Marjoram and Thyme.

Shelf Life : 4 – 5 Years



  • Highly irritant 
  • Should not be used for facial applications.
  • 4 % dilution rate
  •  0.1 % for hypersensitive people.
  •  Cardiac fibrillation; G6PD deficiency; increased bile secretion, neurotoxicity, and mucous membrane irritation (low risk).
  •  Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children;
  • Avoid use with children less than 2 years old, elders, epileptics, pregnant and/or nursing women
  • Contra-indicate with homeopathic remedies
  •  A patch test should be performed before use for those with sensitive skin.
  • For topical application don’t use directly on skin, dilute with a carrier oil
  • Discontinue use if skin sensitivity occurs
  • Add 4-5 drops for Diffusing
  • Don’t ingest
  • Keep out of reach of children , Avoid using if pregnant or nursing



  • Essential oil safety ( Tisserand and young ) second Edition
  • Charles Fetrow & Julian Avila (2000) The Complete Guide to Herbal Medicine
  • Lawrence BM, Essential oils from Agriculture to Chemistry
  • The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Salvatore Battaglia
  • Arcatender Perfume and flavor materials of natural origin

Peppermint Oil (Mentha x piperita) 15 ML

  • Gas Chromatography Analysis %

    Comparison to ISO 3515:2002 and Tech. Corrigendum 1


    GC: Agilent 6890N

    Column:  HP-5

    Injection split

    Carrier gas:  Helium

    Detector: Agilent MSD 5973N Temperature program: 50 °C/(1 min)2 °C/min  290 ° C (15min) 

    Volume of EO injected 0.2 ul\


    1.68 Limonene  Monoterpene
    3.5 Isomenthone  Monoterpene alcohol
    45 Menthol  Monoterpene alcohol
    3.16 Neomenthol  Monoterpene alcohol
    0.31 cis-Sabinene hydrate  Monoterpene alcohol
    8 1, 8 Cineole  Monoterpene ether
    5.52 Menthofuran Monoterpene ether
    4.75 Menthyl acetate  Monoterpene ester
    22.71 Menthone  Monoterpene ketone
    1.13 Pulegone  Monoterpene ketone
    2.16 β-Caryophyllene Sesquiterpene
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