The true home of the lemon is unknown; some believes it belongs to northwestern India. It was southern Italy in 200 A.D. and to have been cultivated in Iraq and Egypt Arabs distributed it widely in the Mediterranean region between 1000 and 1150 A.D. It was well known for its medicinal virtues in the palace of the Sultan of Egypt Christopher Columbus carried lemon seeds to Hispaniola in 1493.
Botanical Name : Citrus lemon
Family: Rutaceae
Country of Origin: Argentina
Extraction Method: Cold Pressed
Plant Part Used: Peel of Fruit
Note: Top note
Aroma: Citrusy , fresh, green
Color: Pale yellow
Blends well With Most essential oils
Shelf Life: 4 – 5 Years
- Potential photosensitizer, recommend usage 2 %
- if applied to the skin over maximum dermal use level, skin must not be exposed to sunlight or sunbed rays for 12 hours. Old or oxidized oils should be avoided.10 Dilute before using. A patch test should be performed before use for those with sensitive skin.
- Can cause skin irritation
- For topical application don’t use directly on the skin, dilute with a carrier oil
- Discontinue use if skin sensitivity occurs
- Add 4-5 drops for Diffusing
- Don’t ingest
- Keep out of reach of children , Avoid using if pregnant or nursing
- Essential oil safety ( Tisserand and young ) second Edition
- Charles Fetrow & Julian Avila (2000) The Complete Guide to Herbal Medicine
- https://www.foodchemicalscodex.org/
- Lawrence BM, Essential oils from Agriculture to Chemistry
- The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Salvatore Battaglia
- Arcatender Perfume and flavor materials of natural origin
Lemon Oil (Citrus lemon)15 ML
Gas Chromatography Analysis %
Comparison to ISO 3515:2002 and Tech. Corrigendum 1
GC: Agilent 6890N
Column: HP-5
Injection split
Carrier gas: Helium
Detector: Agilent MSD 5973N Temperature program: 50 °C/(1 min)2 °C/min 290 ° C (15min)
Volume of EO injected 0.2 ul\
0.01 Tricyclene Monoterpene 0.37 α-Thujene Monoterpene 1.74 α-Pinene Monoterpene 0.06 α-Fenchene Monoterpene 0.06 Camphene Monoterpene 14.35 β-Pinene Monoterpene 1.79 Sabinene Monoterpene 0.01 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one ketone 1.33 Myrcene Monoterpene 0.1 Octanal Aldehyde 0.1 α-Phellandrene Monoterpene 0.1 Pseudolimonene Monoterpene 0.01 Δ3-Carene Monoterpene 0.17 α-Terpinene Monoterpene 0.54 para-Cymene Monoterpene 63.79 Limonene Monoterpene 0.05 (Z)-β-Ocimene Monoterpene 0.1 (E)-β-Ocimene Monoterpene 10.11 γ-Terpinene Monoterpene 0.02 cis-Sabinene hydrate Monoterpenic alcohol 0.01 Octanol Alcohol 0.35 Terpinolene Monoterpene 0.02 trans-Sabinene Monoterpenic alcohol 0.06 Linalool Monoterpenic alcohol 0.05 Nonanal Aldehyde 0.01 trans-para-Mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol Monoterpenic alcohol 0.01 cis-Limonene oxide Ether 0.03 trans-Limonene oxide Ether 0.03 cis-para-Mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol Monoterpenic alcohol 0.01 Camphor Aldehyde 0.06 Citronellal Monoterpenic alcohol 0.01 Borneol Monoterpenic alcohol 0.05 Terpinen-4-ol Aldehyde 0.02 Isogeranial Monoterpenic alcohol 0.2 α-Terpineol Aldehyde 0.01 Decanal Aldehyde 0.01 2,3-Epoxyneral Monoterpenic aldehyde 0.05 Nerol Monoterpenic alcohol 0.03 2,3-Epoxygeranial Monoterpenic alcohol 0.91 Neral Aldehyde 0.91 Carvone Ketone 1.46 Geranial Aldehyde 0.02 Undecanal Aldehyde 0.02 Citronellyl acetate Ester 0.4 Neryl acetate Ester 0.35 Geranyl acetate Ester 0.01 Dodecanal Aldehyde