History: There are over 250 different species of Geranium, it have beenused into perfumes for hundreds of years. Geranium Essential Oil has been used therapeuticaly to help with depression , hormone balancing , stress, detoxing skin care .
Details: Botanical Name : Pelargonium graveolens Family: Geraniaceae Country of Origin: Egypt Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Plant Part Used: Flowering Top Note: Middle- Top Aroma: Fresh, Green, Strong, Floral Color: Clear to Pale yellow Blends well With Juniper communis – Red Mandarin , Lemon, Fennel Shelf Life: 4 – 5 Years
- An Ancient Egyptian Herbal ( Lise Manniche ) 1989
- Essential oil safety ( Tisserand and young ) second Edition
Charles Fetrow & Julian Avila (2000) The Complete Guide to Herbal Medicine
Lawrence BM, Essential oils from Agriculture to Chemistry
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Salvatore Battaglia
Arcatender Perfume and flavor materials of natural origin
Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens) 15 ml
Gas Chromatography Analysis %
Batch : 19001
Comparison to ISO 3515:2002 and Tech. Corrigendum 1
GC: Agilent 6890N
Column: HP-5
Injection split
Carrier gas: Helium
Detector: Agilent MSD 5973N Temperature program: 50°C/(1 min)2°C/min 290°C (15min)
Volume of EO injected: 0.2 ul\
5.3 10 Epi gamma eudesmol Sesquiterp Alcohol 0.09 Alpha phellandrene Monoterpene 0.34 Alpha terpineol Monoterpene Alcohol 1.72 Beta bourbonene ( Sum of peaks) Sesquiterpene 1.6 Beta caryophyllene Sesquiterpene 0.11 Beta Myrcene Monoterpene 0.08 Beta phellandrene Monoterpene 0.02 Beta pinene Monoterpene 1.98 Cadinene ( Sum of peaks ) Sesquiterpene 0.37 Calamenene Sesquiterpene 1.29 Citral Aldehyde 32.32 Citronellol Monoterpene Alcohol 0.35 Citronellyl acetate Monoterpene 0.76 Citronellyl butyrate Ester 8.19 Citronellyl formate Ester 0.55 Citronellyl propionate Ester 0.92 Copaene Sesquiterpene 12.52 Geraniol Monoterpene Alcohol 0.51 Geranyl Acetate Ester 1.72 Geranyl Butyarte Ester 0.21 Geranyl Caproate Ester 3.68 Geranyl formate Ester 1.08 Geranyl Propionate Ester 1.33 Geranyl tiglate Ester 0.36 Humulene Sesquiterpene 0.05 Limetol Monoterpene 0.14 Limonene Monoterpene 3.74 Linalool Monoterpene.Alcohol 0.4 Linalool oxide Monoterpene Alcohol 0.24 Menthol Alcohol 7.43 Menthones (Sum of peaks ) Alcohol 0.06 Methyl heptenone Ester 0.51 Muurolene Sesquiterpene 1.11 Nerol Monoterpene Alcohol 0.14 Ocimene Monoterpene 0.09 Para cymene Monoterpene 1.03 Phenyl ethyl tiglate Esters 2.69 Rose Oxide Monoterp Ether