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Named after the Latin word “clarus,” which means “cleansing” or “clarifying” and which speaks to the properties of this celebrated plant extract. Historically, Clary Sage Oil was used principally in perfumery and in culinary applications as a flavoring agent for both food and drinks. Over time, various therapeutic, medicinal, and cosmetic applications have come to be discovered for this balancing, uplifting, and soothing oil.


Botanical Name : Salvia sclarea

Family : Lamiaceae

Country of Origin  :  Russia

Extraction Method  : Steam Distilled

Plant Part Used  : Leaves & Flowers 

Note  : Mid note 

Aroma : Sweet , Floral , Earthey , Herbal 

Color : Clear to Pale yellow

Blends well With : Cedarwood, Chamomile German, Chamomile Roman, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Orange, Rosewood, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang.

Shelf Life : 4 – 5 Years



  • Avoid during pregnancy.
  • For topical application don’t use directly on the skin, dilute with a carrier oil
  • A patch test should be performed before use for those with sensitive skin.
  • Discontinue use if skin sensitivity occurs
  • Add 4-5 drops for Diffusing
  • Don’t ingest
  • Keep out of reach of children, Avoid using if pregnant or nursing
  • Numerous sources recommend avoiding Clary Sage Oil while drinking alcohol and while driving due to the oil's potential narcotic effect.""
  • Various sources state that the sclareol content contained within Clary Sage may induce an "estrogen-like action." For that reason, it would be wise for those with breast cancer, at high risk for breast cancer or that need to carefully regulate their estrogen levels avoid Clary Sage"



  • Essential oil safety ( Tisserand and young ) second Edition
  • Charles Fetrow & Julian Avila (2000) The Complete Guide to Herbal Medicine
  • Lawrence BM, Essential oils from Agriculture to Chemistry
  • The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Salvatore Battaglia
  • Arcatender Perfume and flavor materials of natural origin

Clary Sage Oil (Salvia sclarea) 15 ML




    3.42 α-Pinene  Monoterpene
    3.7 Camphene Monoterpene
    4.13 Sabinene  Monoterpene
    4.19 β-Pinene Monoterpene
    4.47 Myrcene  Monoterpene
    4.69 Pseudolimonene  Monoterpene
    4.74 α-Phellandrene  Monoterpene
    5.16 Limonene  Monoterpene
    5.34 cis-β-Ocimene Monoterpene
    5.52 trans-β-Ocimene Monoterpene
    5.71 γ-Terpinene  Monoterpene
    5.98 cis-Sabinene hydrate  Alcohol
    6.18 Terpinolene  Monoterpene
    6.29 trans-Linalool oxide (fur.)  Alcohol
    6.74 Linalool  Alcohol
    6.78 Hotrienol  Alcohol
    8.54 Borneol  Alcohol
    8.72 Terpinen-4-ol  Alcohol
    9.41 α-Terpineol  Alcohol
    9.78 γ-Terpineol  Alcohol
    10.6 Nerol  Alcohol
    11.69 Linalyl acetate  Ester
    11.8 Geraniol  alcohol
    13.97 Geranyl formate  Ester
    17.63 α-Copaene  Sesquiterpene
    17.78 Neryl acetate  Ester
    18.05 β-Bourbonene  Sesquiterpene
    18.6 β-Elemene  Sesquiterpene
    19.29 Geranyl acetate  Ester
    20.54 β-Caryophyllene  Sesquiterpene
    21.42 Aromadendrene  Sesquiterpene
    23.25 α-Humulene  Sesquiterpene
    25.52 Germacrene D  Sesquiterpene
    26.13 β-Selinene  Sesquiterpene
    26.69 Bicyclogermacrene  Sesquiterpene
    27.6 (Z,E)-α-Farnesene  Sesquiterpene
    28.93 (E,E)-α-Farnesene  Sesquiterpene
    29.16 δ-Cadinene  Sesquiterpene
    33.67 Spathulenol  alcohol
    34.91 Humulene epoxide  Ether
    36.83 Cubenol  Alcohol
    37.66 β-Eudesmol  Alcohol
    44.78 Sclareoloxide  Ether
    53.02 Sclareol  Alcohol
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